Other Futures

Martijn Lindeboom

Martijn Lindeboom (NL) is a science fiction writer, jurist, chair of the Stichting ter bevordering van het fantastische genre (Foundation for the Promotion of the Fantasy Genre) and advocate of socially-critical science fiction.

In his books and workshops, such as Valkuilen en voordelen van sciencefiction (Pitfalls and Plus Points of Science Fiction), he explores the possibilities and hazards of a genre that provides new perspectives on our own reality. In Hoe schrijf je fantasy en sciencefiction (How to Write Fantasy and Science Fiction), he and co-author Debbie van der Zande investigate how to build your own fantasy world with words, or to bring it to a higher level. Together, they administer the fantasy and sci-fi section of the book website Hebban.nl. Lindeboom also organizes the Harland Awards, the biggest writing competition for science fiction and fantasy in the Netherlands.

Saturday 3, 13.30: Masterclass

Sunday 4, 13.15: Nisi Shawl, Martijn Lindeboom & Godelieve Spaas: ‘Writing about the Other’